
Alicia Marticorena, MSc

National Collaborator

She did her studies in the University of Concepción, where she graduated as a biologist (1991) and lately receive a master’s degree in Sciences, mention Botany. She is curator of the University of Concepción’s herbarium (CONC), and current associate researcher of Nueva Flora de Chile project, where she accomplished family revisions. Currently works as editor of Gayana Botánica journal. Her intereset is vascular plant’s taxonomy, especifically chilean flora, and since a few years is working with introduced species. She is part of the Wild Species Classification Comittee, of the National Environmental Comission, Government of Chile. She collaborated with the South Cone Catalog for the Rosaceae and Chenopondiaceae families, and she’s the author of the book “Plantas trepadoras, epíficas y parásitas nativas de Chile”.

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