
Scientific articles

A fundamental part of the work developed by the laboratory’s researchers is the publications in scientific journals, book chapters and field guides. These publications aim to inform the scientific community, researchers, students, professionals and citizens concerned about the protection of biodiversity, about the research carried out at a national level and collaborations with international researchers.

Pizarro, C., Barros, A., Rew, L. J., Shackleton, R., & Pauchard, A. (2023). Introduction: Tourism, Recreation and Biological Invasions. In Tourism, Recreation and Biological Invasions (pp. 1-6). GB: CABI. PDF

Barros, A., Haider, S., Müllerová, J., Alexander, J. M., Alvarez, M. A., Aschero, V., Fuentes-Lillo, E., … & Lembrechts, J. J. (2023). The Role of Roads and Trails for Facilitating Mountain Plant Invasions. In Tourism, Recreation and Biological Invasions (pp. 14-26). GB: CABI. PDF

Fuentes-Lillo, E., & Cuba-Diaz, M. (2023). The Role of Human Activities in the Introduction of Non-native Plants to Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Islands. Tourism, Recreation and Biological Invasions (pp. 36-48). GB: CABI. PDF

García, R. A., Fuentes-Lillo, E., Cavieres, L., Cóbar-Carranza, A. J., Davis, K. T., Naour, M., … & Pauchard, A. (2023). Pinus contorta Alters Microenvironmental Conditions and Reduces Plant Diversity in Patagonian Ecosystems. Diversity, 15(3), 320. PDF

Langdon, B., Pauchard, A., & Bustamante, R. O. (2023). Habitat suitability of five commonly planted non-native trees in Chile: Implications for an invasion process. Forest Ecology and Management, 529, 120726. PDF

Iseli, E., Chisholm, C., Lenoir, J., Haider, S., Seipel, T., Barros, A., Caviers, L.Jiménez, A., Pauchard, A., … & Alexander, J. M. (2023). Rapid upwards spread of non-native plants in mountains across continents. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1-9. PDF

Eva M Pinto, A Sofia Vaz, João P Honrado, Helen E Roy, Anibal Pauchard, Peter Stoett, Ross T Shackleton, David M Richardson and Joana R Vicente. Policy-Oriented Research in Invasion Science: Trends, Status, Gaps, and Lessons, BioScience, Volume 72, Issue 11, November 2022, Pages 1074–1087, PDF

Rodríguez, J., Novoa, A., Sotes, G., Pauchard, A. and González, L. Variation in defensive traits against herbivores of native and invasive populations of Carpobrotus edulisBiol Invasions.–9. PDF

Cristian Pérez-Granados,  Bernd Lenzner, Marina Golivets, Wolf-Christian Saul, Jonathan M. Jeschke, Franz Essl, Garry D. Peterson, Lucas Rutting, Guillaume Latombe, Tim Adriaens, David C. Aldridge, Sven Bacher, Rubén Bernardo-Madrid, Lluís Brotons, François Díaz, Belinda Gallardo, Piero Genovesi, Pablo González-Moreno, Ingolf Kühn, Petra Kutleša, Brian Leung, Chunlong Liu, Konrad Pagitz, Teresa Pastor, Aníbal Pauchard, Wolfgang Rabitsch, Helen E. Roy, Peter Robertson, Hanno Seebens, Wojciech Solarz, Uwe Starfinger, Rob Tanner, Montserrat Vilà & Núria Roura-Pascual. European scenarios for future biological invasions. bioRxiv. PDF

Tovar, C., Carril, A. F., Gutiérrez, A. G., Ahrends, A., Fita, L., Zaninelli, P.,  Flombaum, A., Abarzúa, D., Alarcón, V., Aschero, S., Báez, A., Barros, J., Carilla, M. E.,  Ferrero, S., Flantua, P., Gonzáles, C., Menéndez, O., Pérez-Escobar, A., Pauchard, R., Ruscica, T., Särkinen, A., Sörensson, A., Srur, R., Villalba & Hollingsworth, P. M. Understanding climate change impacts on biome and plant distributions in the Andes: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Biogeography.PDF

Sabatini, F.M., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Jandt, U. Milan Chytrý, Richard Field, Michael Kessler, Jonathan Lenoir, Franziska Schrodt,Susan K. Wiser , Mohammed A. S. Arfin Khan, Fabio Attorre, Luis Cayuela ,Michele DeSanctis , Jürgen Dengler , Sylvia Haider, Mohamed Z.Hatim, Adrian Indreica, Florian Jansen, Aníbal Pauchard, Robert K.Peet , Petr Petřík, Valério D. Pillar, Brody Sandel, Marco Schmidt, Zhiyao Tang, Peter van Bodegom, Kiril Vassilev, Cyrille Violle, Esteban Alvarez-Davila, Priya Davidar, Jiri Dolezal, Bruno Hérault, Antonio Galán-de-Mera, Jorge Jiménez, Stephan Kambach , Sebastian Kepfer-Rojas, Holger Kreft, Felipe Lezama, Reynaldo Linares-Palomino,

Abel Monteagudo Mendoza, Justin K. N’Dja, Oliver L. Phillips,Gonzalo Rivas-Torres, Petr Sklenář, Karina Speziale, Ben J. Strohbach, Rodolfo Vásquez Martínez, Hua-Feng Wang, Karsten Wesche & Helge Bruelheide. Global patterns of vascular plant alpha diversity. Nat Commun 13, 4683. PDF

Vásquez-Valderrama Maribel, Carmona Carlos, Pauchard Aníbal. Invasive woody legumes: Climatic range shifts and their relationships to functional traits. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2022, vol. 31, no 12, p. 2397-2409. PDF

Jaime Moyano, Lucia B.Zamora-NascaPaul CaplatPablo García Díaz, Bárbara Langdon, Xavier Lambin, Lía Montti, Aníbal Pauchard and Martin A.Nuñez. Predicting the impact of invasive trees from different measures of abundance. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 325, Part B, 2023, 116480, ISSN 0301-4797, PDF

Laura A. Meyerson, Aníbal Pauchard, Giuseppe Brundu, James T. Carlton, José L. Hierro, Christoph Kueffer, Maharaj K. Pandit, Petr Pyšek, David M. Richardson, and Jasmin G. Packer. Moving toward global strategies for managing invasive alien species. In: Clements, D.R., Upadhyaya, M.K., Joshi, S., Shrestha, A. (eds) Global Plant Invasions. Springer, Cham. PDF

Rafael D. Zenni, Ileana Herrera, Michele de Sá Dechoum, Sílvia Renate Ziller, Ana Carolina Lacerda de Matos, Cecilia I. Núñez, Martín A. Núñez, and Anibal Pauchard. Plant Invasions in South America. In: Clements, D.R., Upadhyaya, M.K., Joshi, S., Shrestha, A. (eds) Global Plant Invasions. Springer, Cham. PDF

Urrutia J & Romero M. Macrophytes of the Elqui river basin, semiarid zone of Chile. Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 57(1): 1-16.

Lembrechts JJ, Johan Van den Hoogen, Juha Aalto, Michael Ashcroft, Pieter De Frenne, Julia Kemppinen, Martin Kopecký, Miska Luoto, Ilya Maclean, Thomas Crowther, Joseph Bailey, Stef Haesen, David Klinges, Pekka Niittynen, Brett Scheffers, Koenraad Van Meerbeek, Peter Aartsma, Otar Abdalaze, Mehdi Abedi, Rien Aerts, Negar Ahmadian, Antje Ahrends, Juha Alatalo, Jake Alexander, Camille Nina Allonsius, Jofre Carnicer, Angélica Casanova‐Katny, Simone Cesarz, Bogdan Chojnicki, Philippe Choler, Steven Chown, Edgar Cifuentes, Marek Čiliak, , Eduardo FuentesLillo, Rafael García, Anibal Pauchard, María García, Charly Géron, Mana Gharun, Dany Ghosn, Khatuna Gigauri, Anne Gobin, Ignacio Goded, Mathias Goeckede, Felix Gottschall, Keith Goulding, Sanne Govaert, Bente Jessen Graae, Sarah Greenwood, Caroline Greiser, Achim Grelle, Benoit Guénard. (2022). Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change BiologyPDF

Sylvia Haider, Jonas J Lembrechts, Keith McDougall, Aníbal Pauchard, Jake M Alexander, Agustina Barros, Lohengrin A Cavieres, Irfan Rashid, Lisa J Rew, Alla Aleksanyan, José R Arévalo, Valeria Aschero, Chelsea Chisholm, V Ralph Clark, Jan Clavel, Curtis Daehler, Pervaiz A Dar, Hansjörg Dietz, Romina D Dimarco, Peter Edwards, Franz Essl, Eduardo Fuentes‐Lillo, Antoine Guisan, Onalenna Gwate, Anna L Hargreaves, Gabi Jakobs, Alejandra Jiménez, Paul Kardol, Christoph Kueffer, Christian Larson, Jonathan Lenoir, Bernd Lenzner, Miguel A Padrón Mederos, Maritza Mihoc, Ann Milbau, John W Morgan, Jana Müllerová, Bridgett J Naylor, Ivan Nijs, Martin A Nuñez, Rüdiger Otto, Niels Preuk, Amanda Ratier Backes, Zafar A Reshi, Sabine B Rumpf, Verónica Sandoya, Mellesa Schroder, Karina L Speziale, Davnah Urbach, Graciela Valencia, Vigdis Vandvik, Michaela Vitková, Tom Vorstenbosch, Tom WN Walker, Neville Walsh, Genevieve Wright, Shengwei Zong, Tim Seipel. (2022). Think globally, measure locally: The MIREN standardized protocol for monitoring plant species distributions along elevation gradients. Ecology and evolution12(2), e8590. PDF

Souza-Alonso, P., Saiz, G., García, R. A., Pauchard, A., Ferreira, A., & Merino, A. (2022). Post-fire ecological restoration in Latin American forest ecosystems: Insights and lessons from the last two decades. Forest Ecology and Management509, 120083. PDF

Latombe, G., Lenzner, B., Schertler, A., Dullinger, S., Glaser, M., Jarić, I., A. Pauchard & Essl, F. (2022). What is valued in conservation? A framework to compare ethical perspectives. chrome extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ PDF

García-Díaz, P., Montti, L., Powell, P.A., Phimister, E., Pizarro, J.C., Fasola, L., Langdon, B., Pauchard, A., Raffo, E., Bastías, J. and Damasceno, G. (2022). Identifying Priorities, Targets, and Actions for the Long-term Social and Ecological Management of Invasive Non-Native Species. Environmental management69(1), pp.140-153. PDF

Nuñez M, Chiuffo M, Pauchard A, Zenni R. Making ecology really global. Scientific life, volume 36, issue 9, P766-769. PDF

Garcia-Diaz P, Montti L, Powell P, Phimister E, Pizarro JC, Fasola L, Langdon B, Pauchard A, Raffo E, Bastías J, Damasceno G, Fidelis A, Huerta MF, Linardaki E, Moyano J, Nuñez M, Ortiz MA, Rodríguez-Jorquera I, Roesler I, Tomasevic J, Burslem D, Cava M, Lambin X. Identifying priorities, targets, and actions for the long-term social and ecological management of invasive non-native species. Environmental Management. PDF

Fuentes-Lillo, E, Lembrechts, JJ, Cavieres, LA, Jimenez, A, Haider, S, Barros & Pauchard, A. 2021. Anthropogenic factors overrule local abiotic variables in determining non-native plant invasions in mountains. Biological Invasions. DOI 10.1007/s10530-021-02602-8 PDF

Roura-Pascual N, Leung B, Rabitsch W, Rutting L, Vervoort J, Bacher S, Dullinger S, Erb KH, Jeschke JM, Katsanevakis S, Kühn I, Lenzner B, Liebhold AM, Obersteiner M, Pauchard A, Peterson GD, Roy HE, Seebens H, Winter M, Burgman MA, Genovesi P, Hulme PE, Keller RP, Latombe G, McGeoch MA, Ruiz GM, Scalera R, Springborn MR, von Holle B, Essl F. 2021. Alternative futures for global biological invasions. bioRxiv. DOI 10.1101/2021.01.15.426694 PDF

Nuñez MA, Davis KT, Dimarco RD, Peltzer DA, Paritsis J, Maxwell BD and Pauchard A. 2021. Should tree invasions be used in treeless ecosystems to mitigate climate change?. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. DOI 10.1002/fee.2346 PDF

Nuske, SJ, Fajardo, A, Nunez, MA, Pauchard, A, Wardle, DA, Nilsson, MC, Kardol, P, Smith, JE, Peltzer, DA, Moyano, J & Gundale, MJ. 2021. Soil biotic and abiotic effects on seedling growth exhibit context-dependent interactions: evidence from a multi-countryexperiment on Pinus contorta invasion. New Phytologist. DOI 10.1111/nph.17449 PDF

Sabatini FM, Lenoir J, Hattab T,… Pauchard A,… Wohlgemuth T, Yamalov S, Zobel M, Bruelheide H. 2021. sPlotOpen – An environmentally balanced, open-access, global dataset of vegetation plots. Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI 10.1111/geb.13346 PDF

Rashid, I, Haq, SM, Lembrechts, JJ, Khuroo, AA, Pauchard, A & Dukes, JS. 2021. Railways redistribute plant species in mountain landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI 10.1111/1365-2664.13961 PDF

Clavel J, Lembrechts J, Alexander J, Haider S, Lenoir J, Milbau A, Nuñez MA, Pauchard A, Nijs I & Verbruggen E. 2021. The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in nonnative plant invasion along mountain roads. New Phytologist 230(3): 1156-1168 PDF

García-Díaz P, Cassey P, Norbury G, Lambin X, Montti L, Pizarro JC, Powell PA, Burslem DFRP, Cava M, Damasceno G, Fasola L, Fidelis A, Huerta MF, Langdon B, Linardaki E, Moyano J, Núñez MA, Pauchard A, Phimister E, Raffo E, Roesler I, Rodríguez-Jorquera I & Tomasevic JA. 2021. Management Policies for Invasive Alien Species: Addressing the Impacts Rather than the Species. BioScience 71 (2): 174–185 PDF

Hirsch H, Richardson DM, Pauchard A & Le Roux JJ. 2021. Genetic analyses reveal complex introduction histories for the invasive tree Acacia dealbata Link around the word. Diversity and Distributions 27(2): 360–376 PDF

Fuentes N, Marticorena A, Saldaña A, Jerez V, Ortiz JC, Victoriano P, Moreno RA, Larraín J, Villaseñor-Parada C, Palfner G, Sánchez P & Pauchard A. 2020. Multi-taxa inventory of naturalized species in Chile. Neobiota. 60: 25-41 PDF

Ross N, Cuthbert RN, Bacher S, Blackburn TM, Briski E, Diagne C, Dick JTA, Essl F, Genovesi P, Haubrock PJ, Latombe G, Lenzner B, Meinard Y, Pauchard A, Pyšek P, Ricciardi A, Richardson DM. Russell JC, Simberloff D & Courchamp F. 2020. Invasion costs, impacts, and human agency: Response to Sagoff 2020. Conservation Biology. DOI 10.1111/cobi.13592 PDF

Rew LJ, McDougall KL, Alexander JM, Daehler CC, Essl F, Haider S, Kueffer C, Lenoir J, Milbau A, Nuñez MA, Pauchard A, Rabitsch W. 2020. Moving up and over: redistribution of plants in alpine, Arctic, and Antarctic ecosystems under global change. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 52(1): 651–665 PDF

Brundu G, Pauchard A, Pyšek P, Pergl J, Bindewald AM, Brunori A, Canavan S, Campagnaro T, Celesti-Grapow L, de Sá Dechoum M, Dufour-Dror JM, Essl F, Flory SL, Genovesi P, Guarino F, Guangzhe L, Hulme PE, Jäger H, Kettle CJ, Krumm F, Langdon B, Lapin K, Lozano V, Le Roux JJ, Novoa A, Nuñez MA, Porté AJ, Silva JS, Schaffner U, Sitzia T, Tanner R, Tshidada N, Vítková M, Westergren M, Wilson JRU & Richardson DM. 2020. Global guidelines for the sustainable use of non-native trees to prevent tree invasions and mitigate their negative impacts. Neobiota. 61: 65–116 PDF

Policelli N, Horton TR, García RA, Naour M, Pauchard A & Nuñez MA. 2020. Native and non-native trees can find compatible mycorrhizal partners in each other’s dominated areas. Plant and Soil 454, 285–297 PDF

Lambin X, Burslem D, Caplat P, Cornulier T, Gabriella D, Fasola L, Fidelis A, García-Díaz P, Langdon B, Linardaki E, Montti L, Moyano J, Nuñez MA, Palmer SCF, Pauchard A, Phimister E, Pizarro JC, Powell P, Raffo E, Rodríguez-Jorquera IA, Roesler I, Tomasevic JA, Travis JMJ & Verdugo C. 2020. CONTAIN: Optimising the long-term management of invasive alien species using adaptive management. Neobiota. 59: 119–138 PDF

Martin-Gallego, P., Aplin, P., Marston, C., Altamirano, A., Pauchard, A. 2020. Detecting and modelling alien tree presence using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery in Chile’s temperate forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 474: 118353 PDF

Essl F, Lenzner B,  Bacher S, Bailey S,  Capinha C, Daehler C, Dullinger S, Genovesi P, Hui C, Hulme PE, Jeschke JM, Katsanevakis S, Kühn I, Leung B, Liebhold A, Liu C, MacIsaac HJ, Meyerson LA, Nuñez MA, Pauchard A, Pyšek P, Rabitsch W, Richardson DM, Roy HE, Ruiz GM, Russell JC, Sanders NJ, Sax DF, Scalera R, Seebens H, Springborn M, Turbelin A, van Kleunen M, von Holle B, Winter M, Zenni RD, Mattsson BJ & Roura‐Pascual N. 2020. Drivers of future alien species impacts: An expert‐based assessment. Global Change Biology. 26(9): 4880-4893 PDF

Pyšek P, Hulme PE, Simberloff D, Bacher S, Blackburn TM, Carlton JT, Dawson W, Essl F, Foxcroft LC, Genovesi P, Jeschke JM, Kühn I, Liebhold AM, Mandrak NE, Meyerson LA, Pauchard A, Pergl J, Roy HE, Seebens H, van Kleunen M, Vilà M, Wingfield MJ & Richardson DM. 2020. Scientists’ warning on invasive alien species. Biological Reviews, doi: 10.1111/brv.12627 PDF

Nuñez MA, Pauchard A & Ricciardi A. 2020. Invasion Science and the Global Spread of SARS-CoV-2. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. PDF

Sapsford SJ, Brandt AJ, Davis KT, Peralta G, Dickie IA, Gibson II RD, Green JL, Hulme PE, Nuñez MA, Orwin KH, Pauchard A, Wardle DA, & Peltzer DA. 2020. Towards a framework for understanding the context dependence of impacts of non‐native tree species. Functional Ecology, 34(5): 944-955 PDF

Lembrechts JJ, Aalto J…. Fuentes-Lillo E, García R,….. Pauchard A,….& Nijs I. 2020. SoilTemp: a global database of near‐surface temperature. Global Change Biology, 00: 1-14 PDF

Liedtke R, Barros A, Essl F, Lembrechts JJ, Wedegärtner REM, Pauchard A & Dullinger S. 2020. Hiking trails as conduits for the spread of non-native species in mountain areas. Biological Invasions, 22: 1121-1134 PDF

Pfeiffer M, Padarian, J, ….. García R,….. Pauchard A,….. & Zagal E. 2020. CHLSOC: the Chilean Soil Organic Carbon database, a multi-institutional collaborative effort. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 457-468 PDF

Latombe G, Lenzner B, Schertler A, Dullinger S, Glaser M, Jaric I, Pauchard A, Wilson JRU & Essl F. 2020. A mathematical framework for dissecting the normative foundations of conservation decisions. bioRvix DOI: 10.1101/2020.09.04.282947 PDF

Essl F, Dullinger S, Genovesi P, Hulme PH, Jeschke JM, Katsanevakis S, Kühn I, Lenzner B, Pauchard A, Pyšek P, Rabitsch W, Richardson DM, Seebens H, van Kleunen M, van der Putten WH, Vilà M, Bacher S. 2020. Distinct Biogeographic Phenomena Require a Specific Terminology: A Reply to Wilson and Sagoff. BioScience, 70(2): 112-114 PDF

Fuentes-Lillo E & Pauchard A. 2019. Invasiones en montañas: ¿Cuánto hemos avanzado en los últimos 10 años y cuáles son los desafíos para los ecosistemas de los Andes?. Gayana Botánica, 76(2): 141-155 PDF

Esquivel JPauchard ASaldaña A. 2019. Efecto de la diversidad funcional sobre la tasa de evapotranspiración: un análisis anual de tres bosques templados chilenos. Gayana Botánica, 76(2): 156-167 PDF

Arroyo-Vargas P, Fuentes-Ramírez A, Muys B & Pauchard A. 2019. Impacts of fire severity and cattle grazing on early plant dynamics in old-growth Araucaria-Nothofagus forests. Forest Ecosystems, 6(44): 1-14 PDF

Essl F, Dullinger S, Genovesi P, Hulme PE, Jeschke JM, Katsanevakis S, Kühn I, Lenzner B, Pauchard A, Pyšek PRabitsch W, Richardson DM, Seebens H, van Kleunen M, van der Putten WH, Vilà M & Bacher S. 2019. A Conceptual Framework for Range-Expanding Species that Track Human-Induced Environmental Change. BioScience, 69(11): 908-919 PDF

Lembrechts JJ, Lenoir J, Roth N, Hattab T, Milbau A, Haider S, Pellissier L, Pauchard A, Backes, AR, Dimarco, RD, Nuñez, MA, Aalto J & Nijs I. 2019. Comparing temperature data sources for use in species distribution models: From in‐situ logging to remote sensing. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28(11): 1578-1596 PDF

Hierro JL, Pauchard A, Nuñez MA, Meyerson, LA & Simberloff D. 2019. A tribute to Enrique J. Chaneton. Biological Invasions, 21:2517–2518 PDF

Stoett P, Roy HE & Pauchard A. 2019. Invasive alien species and planetary and global health policy. The Lancet Planetary Health, 3(10): E400-E401 PDF

Langdon B, Cavieres LA & Pauchard A. 2019. At a Microsite Scale, Native Vegetation Determines Spatial Patterns and Survival of Pinus contorta Invasion in Patagonia. Forests, 10(8), 654. PDF

Murphy K, Efremov A, Davidson T.A., Molina-Navarro E, Fidanza K, Camila, T., … Urrutia-estrada J. 2019. World distribution, diversity and endemism of aquatic macrophytes. Aquatic Botany, 158, 103127. PDF

García R, Pauchard A, Fuentes-Lillo E, Esquivel J, Sánchez P & Jiménez A. 2019. Plantas exóticas en la zona de transición mediterraneo-templada de la Cordillera de la Costa: patrones a escala regional y local. En Biodiversidad y Ecología de los Bosques Costeros de Chile (C. Smith & F.A. Squeo, eds). Editorial Universidad de Los Lagos. 445-470. PDF

Langdon B, Pauchard A & Bustamante RO. 2019. Acacia dealbata invasion in Chile: Surprises from climatic niche and species distribution models. Ecology and Evolution. DOI 10.1002/ece3.5295 PDF

Bruelheide, H., Dengler, J., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Purschke, O., Hennekens, S.M., Chytrý, M.,  Pillar, V.D.,  Jansen, F., Kattge, J.,  Sandel, B.,  Aubin, I., Biurrun, I.,  Field, R.,  Haider, S., … Pauchard, A., … Zverev, A. 2019. sPlot – A new tool for global vegetation analyses. Journal of Vegetation Science. 30(2): 161-186. PDF

Davis KT, Callaway RM, Fajardo A, Pauchard A, Nuñez MA, Brooker RW, Maxwell BD, Dimarco RD, Petzer DA, Mason B, Ruotsalainen S, McIntosh ACS, Pakeman RJ, Laney A & Gundale MJ. 2019. Severity of impacts of an introduced species corresponds with regional eco-evolutionary experience. Ecography 42: 12-22 PDF

Noh J, Echeverría C, Pauchard A & Cuenca A. 2019. Extinction debt in a biodiversity hotspot: the case of the Chilean Winter Rainfall-Valdivian Forests. Landscape and Ecological Engineering. 15(1): 1-12 PDF

Bravo-Vargas V, García R, Pizarro C & Pauchard A. 2019. Do people care about pine invasions? Visitor perceptions and willingness to pay for pine control in a protected area. Journal of Environmental Management. 229: 57-66  PDF

Davis KT, Maxwell BD, Caplat P, Pauchard A & Nuñez MA. 2019. Simulation model suggests that fire promotes lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) invasion in Patagonia. Biological invasions 21(7): 2287-2300 PDF

Pauchard A, Meyerson LA, Bacher S, Blackburn TM, Brundu G, Cadotte MW, Courchamp F, Essl F, Genovesi P, Haider S, Holmes ND, Hulme PE, Jeschke JM, Lockwood JL, Novoa A, Nummer MA, Pelztier DA, Pyšek P, Richardson DM, Simberloff D, Smith K, van Wilgen BW, Vilà M, Wilson JRU, Winter M & Zenii RD. 2018. Biodiversity assessments: Origin matters. PLoS Biol 16(11): e2006686 PDF

Heinrichs S, Pauchard A & Schall P. 2018. Native plant diversity and composition across a Pinus radiata D. Don plantation landscape in south-central Chile – The impact of plantation age, logging roads and alien species. Forests. 9:567. PDF

McWethy DB, Pauchard A, García RA, Holz A, González ME, Veblen TT, Stahl J & Currey B. 2018. Landscape drives of recent fire activity (2001-2017) in south-central Chile. PLoS ONE 13(8) e0201195 PDF

Miranda A, Lara A, Altamirano A, Zamorano-Elgueta C, Hernández J, González M, Pauchard A & Promis A. 2018. monitoreo de la superficie de los bosques nativos de Chile: un desafío pendiente. BOSQUE. 39(2): 265-275 PDF

Rodríguez R, Marticorena C†, Alarcón D, Baeza C, Cavieres L, Finot V, Fuentes N, Kiessling A, Mihoc M, Pauchard A, Ruiz E, Sánchez P & Marticorena A. 2018. Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de Chile. Gayana Botánica. 75(1): 1-430 PDF

McDougall KL, Lembrechts J, Rew LJ, Haider S, Cavieres LA, Kueffer C, Milbau A, Naylor BJ, Nuñez MA, Pauchard A, Seidel T, Speziale KL, Wright GT & JM Alexander. 2018. Running off the road: roadside non-native plants invading mountain vegetation. Biological Invasions. 20(12): 3461-3473 PDF

Haider S, Kueffer C, Bruelheide H, Seipel T, Alexander JM, Rewearing LJ, Arévalo JR, Cavieres LA, Milbau A, Naylor BJ, Special K & A Pauchard. 2018. Mountain roads and non‐native species modify elevational patterns of plant diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 27(6): 667-678 PDF

Villaseñor-Parada C, A Pauchard, ME Ramírez & E Macaya. 2018. Macroalgas exóticas en la costa de Chile: patrones espaciales y temporales en el proceso de invasión. Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res., 46(1): 147-165. PDF

Vargas-Gaete R, C Salas-Eljatib, SM Gärtner, OJ Vidal, JR Bannister & A Pauchard. 2018. Invasive plant species thresholds in the forests of Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 11(2): 205-215 PDF

Essl F, K Erb, S Glatzel & A Pauchard. 2018. Climate change, carbon market instruments, and biodiversity: focusing on synergies and avoiding pitfalls. WIREs Clim Change 9:e486 PDF

Lembrechts J, J Lenoir, M Nuñez, A Pauchard, C Geron, G Bussé, A Milbau & I Nijs. 2018. Microclimate variability in alpine ecosystems as stepping stones for non-native plant establishment above their current elevational limit. Ecography 40: 900 – 909 PDF

García RA, Franzese J, Policelli N, Sasal Y, Zenni R, Nuñez MA, Taylor K, Pauchard A. 2018. Non-native pines are homogenizing the ecosystems of South America. In: Rozzi R, May RH Jr, Chapin FS III, Massardo F, Gavin M, Klaver I, Pauchard A, Nuñez MA, Simberloff D (eds) From biocultural homogenization to biocultural conservation. Ecology and ethics, vol 3. Springer, Cham, pp 245–263 PDF

Aguilera MA,  Aburto JA, Bravo L, Broitman BR, García RA, Gaymer CF, Gelcich S, López BA, Montecino V, Pauchard A, Ramos M, Rutllant JA, Sáez CA, Valdivia N, Thiel M. 2018. Chile: Environmental Status and Future Perspectives. En: World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation. Sheppard C. (ed). pp 673-702. Academic Press, United Kingdom  PDF

Alexander JM, L Chalmandrier, J Lenoir, TI Burgess, F Essl, S Haider, C Kueffer, K McDougall, A Milbau, MA Nuñez, A Pauchard, W Rabitsch, LJ Rew, NJ Sanders & L Pellissier. 2018. Lags in the response of mountain plant communities to climate change. Global Change Biology. 24: 563 – 579 PDF

García RA, Fuentes-Lillo E, Carrasco S, Esquivel J, Fuentes-Ramírez A, Aguilera N & Pauchard A. 2018. Invasión de Fabáceas en Chile: Avances en el estudio de sus patrones, procesos e impactos. Bioinvasiones, 1: 4-29 PDF

Smith-Ramírez, C., Vieli, L., Barahona-Segovia, RM., Montalva, J., Cianferoni, F., Ruz, L., Fontúrbel, FE., Valdivia, CE., Medel, R., Pauchard, A., Celis-Diez, JL., Riesco, V., Monzón, V., Vivallo, F. & Neira, M. 2018. Las razones de por qué Chile debe detener la importación del abejorro comercial Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus) y comenzar a controlarlo. Gayana 82(2): 118-127 PDF

Vargas R, M González, D McWethy, J Sanguinetti, A Pauchard, C Zamorano, M Cortés, JR Bannister, A Fuentes-Ramírez, C Ibáñez & RG Vargas. 2017. Restauración ecológica post-incendios forestales en La Araucanía Andina. Documento Técnico Nº 235, Corporación Nacional Forestal (CONAF) PDF

Zenni R, S Ziller, A Pauchard, M Rodriguez-Cabal & M Nuñez. 2017. Invasion Sciencein the Developing World: AResponse to Ricciardi et al. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 32: 464 – 474 PDF

Sandoya V, A Pauchard & L Cavieres. 2017. Natives and non- natives plants show different responses to elevation and disturbance on the tropical high Andes of Ecuador. Ecology and Evolution. 7: 7909 – 7919 PDF

Urrutia J, P SánchezA Pauchard & E Hauenstein. 2017. Plantas acuáticas invasoras presentes en Chile: Distribución, rasgos de vida y potencial invasor. Gayana Bot. 74(1): 147-157 PDF

Braun A, D Troeger, R García, M Aguayo, R Barra & J Vogt. 2017. Assessing the impact of plantation forestry on plant biodiversity A comparison of sites in Central Chile and Chilean Patagonia. Global Ecology and Conservation 10:159–172 PDF

Nuñez M, M Chiuffo, A Torres, T Paul, R Dimarco, P Raal, N Policelli, J Moyano, R García, B van Wilgen, A Pauchard, David Richardson. 2017. Ecology and management of invasive Pinaceae around the world: progress and challenges. Biol Invasions 19(11): 3099 – 3120 PDF

Vargas P, F Torrejon, A Pauchard & R Urrutia. Rápido movimiento de plantas exóticas en la zona central de Chile. Una reconstrucción a través de evidencia histórica y palinológica. Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 52 (1): 121-140 PDF

Franzese J, J Urrutia, R García, K Taylor & A Pauchard. 2017. Pine invasion impacts on plant diversity in Patagonia: invader size and invaded habitat matter. Biol Invasions 19:1015–1027 PDF

Villaseñor-Parada CA Pauchard & E Macaya. 2017. Ecología de invasiones marinas en Chile continental: ¿Qué sabemos y que nos falta por saber?. Revista de Ecología Marina y Oceanografía 52 (1):1-17 PDF

Taylor K, B Maxwell, D McWethy, A Pauchard, M Nuñez & C Whitlock. 2017. Pinus contorta invasions increase wildfire fuel loads and may create a positive feedback with fire. Ecology 98 (3):678–687 PDF

Lembrechts J, J Alexander, L Cavieres, S Haider, J Lenoir, C Kueffer, K McDougall, B Naylor, M Nuñez, A Pauchard, L Rew, I Nijs & A Milbau. 2017. Mountain roads shift native and non-native plant species’ ranges. Ecography 40: 353–364 PDF

Taylor K, B Maxwell, A Pauchard, M Nuñez, D Peltzer, A Terwei & L Rew. 2016. Drivers of plant invasion vary globally: evidence from pine invasions within six ecoregions. Global Ecol. Biogeogr. 25:96–106 PDF

Taylor K, B Maxwell, A Pauchard, M Nuñez & L Rew. 2016. Native versus non-native invasions: similarities and differences in the biodiversity impacts of Pinus contorta in introduced and native ranges. Diversity and Distributions 22:578–588 PDF

Pauchard A, A Milbau, A Albihn, J Alexander, T Burgess, C Daehler, G Englund, F Essl, B Evengard, G Greenwood, S Haider, J Lenoir, K McDougall, E Muths, M Nuñez, J Olofsson, L Pellissier, W Rabitsch, L Rew, M Robertson, N Sanders & C Kueffer. 2016. Non-native and native organisms moving into high elevation and high latitude ecosystems in an era of climate change: new challenges for ecology and conservation. Biol Invasions. 18(2): 345 – 353 PDF

Lembrechts J, A Pauchard, J Lenoir, M Nuñez, C Geron, A Ven, P Bravo-Monasterio, E Teneb, I Nijs & A Milbau. 2016. Disturbance is the key to plant invasions in cold environments. PNAS 113 (49):14061-14066 PDF

Gundale M, J Almeida, H Wallander, D Wardle, P Kardol, M Nilsson, A Fajardo, A Pauchard, D Peltzer, Ruotsalainen S, B Mason & N Rosenstock. 2016. Differences in endophyte communities of introduced trees depend on the phylogenetic relatedness of the receiving forest. Journal of Ecology 104:1219–1232 PDF

Castro-Díez P, A Pauchard, A Traveset & M Vilà. 2016. Linking the impacts of plant invasion on community functional structure and ecosystem properties. Journal of Vegetation Science 27:1233–1242 PDF

Byers B, J Byers, M Gonzalez, A Pauchard & S Perez. 2016. John Muir’s little-known 1911 trip to Chile: conserving the historical and ecological legacy. ORYX 50 (4):580-581 PDF

Alexander J, J Lenbrechts, L Cavieres, C Daehler, S Haider, C Kueffer, G Liu, K McDougall, A Milbau, A Pauchard, L Rew & T Seipel. 2016. Plant invasions into mountains and alpine ecosystems: current status and future challenges. Alp Botany (2016) 126:89–103 PDF

Bravo-Monasterio P, A Pauchard & A Fajardo. 2016. Pinus contorta invasion into treeless steppe reduces species richness and alters species traits of the local community. Biol Invasions 18:1883–1894 PDF

Pauchard A, A Escudero, RA García, M de la Cruz, B Langdon, LA Cavieres & J Esquivel. 2016. Pine invasions in treeless environments: dispersal overruns microsite heterogeneity. Ecology and Evolution. 6(2): 447 – 459 PDF

Barney JN, Tekiela DR, Barrios-Garcia MN, Dimarco RD, Hufbauer RA, Leipzig-Scott P, Nuñez MA, Pauchard A, Pyšek P, Vítková M, Maxwell BD. 2015. Global Invader Impact Network (GIIN): Toward standardized evaluation of the ecological impacts of invasive plants. Ecology and Evolution, 5(14): 2878-2889. PDF

Pauchard A, R García, S Zalba, M Sarasola, R Zenni, S Ziller & MA Nuñez. 2015. Pine Invasions in South America: Reducing Their Ecological Impacts Through Active Management. En: João Canning-Clode (Ed.) Biological Invasions in Changing Ecosystems Vectors, Ecological Impacts, Management and Predictions. p 318 – 342. De Gruyter Open, Berlin. (solicitar PDF)

Seebens H, F Essl, W Dawsons, N Fuentes, D Moser, J Pergl, P Pysek, M van Kleunens, E Weber, M Winter & B Blasius. 2015. Global trade will accelerate plant invasions in emerging economies under climate change. Global Change Biology 16(6): 782 – 790 PDF

Van Kleunen M, Dawson W, Essl F, Pergl J, Winter M, Weber E, Kreft H, Weigelt P, Kartesz J, Nishino M, Antonova LA, Barcelona JF, Cabezas FJ, Cárdenas D, Cárdenas-Toro J, Castaño N, Chacón E, Chatelain C, Ebel AL, Figueiredo E, Fuentes N, Groom QJ, Henderson L, Inderjit, Kupriyanov A, Masciadri S, Meerman J, Morozova O, Moser D, Nickrent DL, Patzelt A, Pelser PB, Baptiste MP, Poopath M, Schulze M, Seebens H, Wen-sheng Shu, Thomas J, Velayos M, Wieringa JJ & Pysek P. 2015. Global exchange and accumulation of non-native plants. Nature 525: 100 – 103 PDF

Heinrichs S & Pauchard A. 2015. Struggling to maintain native plant diversity in a peri-urban reserve surrounded by a highly anthropogenic matrix. Biodivers Conserv 24(11): 2769 – 2788 PDF

Aguilera N, Sanhueza C, Guedes LM, Becerra J, Carrasco S & Hernández V. 2015. Does Acacia dealbata express shade tolerance in Mediterranean forest ecosystems of South America?. Ecology and Evolution. 5(16): 3338 – 3351 PDF

Aguilera N, Becerra J, Villaseñor-Parada C, Lorenzo P, González L & Hernández V. 2015. Effects and identification of chemical compounds released from the invasive Acacia dealbata Link. Chemistry and Ecology. 31(6): 479 – 493 PDF

Hulme PE, Pauchard A, Pyšek P, Vilà M, Alba C, Blackburn TM, Bullock JM, Chytry M, Dawson W, Dunn AM, Essl F, Genovesi P, Maskell LC, Meyerson LA, Nuñez MA, Pergi J, Pescott OL, Pocock M, Richardson DM, Roy HE, Smart SM, Stajerová K, Stohlgren T, van Kleunen M & Winter M. 2015. Challenging the view that invasive non-native plants are not a significant threat to the floristic diversity of Great Britain. PNAS 112 (23): E2988-E2989 PDF

Nuñez MA, Dimarco RD, Dickie IA & A Pauchard. 2015. What can possibly go wrong? The risk of introducing soil microorganisms from Antartica into South America. BOSQUE 36(3): 343 – 346 PDF

Hayward J, Horton TR, Pauchard A & Nuñez MA. 2015. A single ectomycorrhizal fungal species can enable a Pinus invasion. Ecology 96 (5): 1438-1444 PDF

Driscoll D, Catford J, Barney J, Hulme P, Inderjitg, Martina T, Pauchard A, Pysek P, Richardson D, Riley S & Visser V. 2015. Reply to Proença et al.: Sown biodiverse pastures are not a universal solution to invasion risk. PNAS 112 (4): E1696  PDF

Cóbar-Carranza A, García RPauchard A Peña E. 2015. Efecto de la alta temperatura en la germinación y supervivencia de semillas de la especie invasora Pinus contorta y dos especies nativas del sur de Chile. BOSQUE 36(1): 53-60 PDF

García R, Engler M, Peña E, Pollnac F & Pauchard A. 2015. Fuel Characteristics of the invasive shrub Teline monspessulana (L.) K. Koch. International Journal of Wildland Fire 24(3): 372 – 379 PDF

Badano E, Bustamante R, Villarroel E, Marquet P & Cavieres L. 2015. Facilitation by nurse plants regulates community invasibility in harsh environments. Journal of Vegetation Science 26(4): 756-767 PDF

Ward SM, Cousens RD, Bagavathiannan MV, Barney JN, Beckie HJ, Busi R, Davis AS, Dukes JS, Forcella F, Freckleton RP, Gallandt ER, Hall LM, Jasieniuk M, Lawton-Rauh A, Lehnhoff EA, Liebman M, Maxwell BD, Mesgaran MB, Murray JV, Neve P, Nuñez MA, Pauchard A, Queenborough SA & Webber BL. 2014. Agricultural Weed Research: A Critique and Two Proposals. Weed Science 62: 672-678 PDF

Moreira D, de la Barrera F & Bustamante R. 2014. Distance to suburban/wildland border interacts with habitat type for structuring exotic plant communities in a natural area surrounding a metropolitan area in central Chile. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 8(3): 363 – 370 PDF

Fuentes N, Saldaña A, Kühn I & Klotz S. 2014. Climatic and socio-economic factors determine the level of invasion by alien plants in Chile. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 8(3): 371 – 377 PDF

Driscoll DA, Catford JA, Barney JN, Hulme PE, Inderjit, Martina TG, Pauchard A, Pyšek P, Richardson DM, Riley S & Visser V. 2014. New pasture plants intensify invasive species risk. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1409347111PDF (Material complementario)

Kueffer C, Daehler C, Dietz H, McDougall K, Parks C, Pauchard A & Rew L. 2014. The Mountain Invasion Research Network (MIREN). Linking Local and Global Scales for Addressing an Ecological Consequence of Global Change. GAIA 23/3 (2014): 263 – 265 PDF

Pauchard AGarcía R, Langdon B & Nuñez M. 2014. Invasiones de plantas en ecosistemas forestales: bosques y praderas invadidas. En: Ecología Forestal: Bases para el Manejo Sustentable y Conservación de los Bosques Nativos de Chile. Donoso C, Gonzalez M & & Lara A (ed). pp 673-691. Ediciones Universidad Austral de Chile. (solicitar PDF)

Pauchard A, Langdon B, Jiménez A, Cavieres L, Peña E & Núnez M. 2014. Pináceas Invasoras en el Sur de Sudamérica: Patrones, Mecanismos e Impactos. En: Invasiones Biológicas en Chile. Jaksic F, Castro S. pp. 283-308. Editorial Universidad Católica. (solicitar PDF)

Cóbar-Carranza AGarcía RPauchard A & Peña E. 2014. Effect of Pinus contorta invasion on forest fuel properties and its potential implications on the fire regime of Araucaria araucana and Nothofagus antarctica forests. Biol Invasions 16(11): 2273 – 2291 PDF

Gundale M, Pauchard A, Langdon B, Peltzer DA, Maxwell BD & Nuñez MA. 2014. Can model species be used to advance the field of invasion ecology?. Biological Invasions. Volume 16, Issue 3, pp 591-607 PDF

Visser V, Langdon B, Pauchard A & Richardson DM. 2014. Unlocking the potential of Google Earth as a tool in invasion science. Biological Invasions. Volume 16, Issue 3, pp 513-534 PDF

Wilson J, Caplat P, Dickie IA, Hui C, Maxwell B, Nuñez MA, Pauchard A, Rejmánek M, Richardson DM, Robertson MP, Spear D, Webber BL, van Wilgen B & Zenni RD. 2014. A standardized set of metrics to assess and monitor tree invasions. Biological Invasions. Volume 16, Issue 3, pp 535-551 PDF

Richardson D, Hui C, Nuñez M & Pauchard A. 2014. Tree invasions: patterns, processes, challenges and opportunities. Biological Invasions. Volume 16, pp 473–481 PDF

García R, Pauchard A & Escudero A. 2014. French broom (Teline monspessulana) invasion in south-central Chile depends on factors operating at different spatial scales. Biological Invasions. Volume 16, Issue 1, pp 113-124 PDF

Pauchard A & O Barbosa. 2013. Regional Assessment of Latin America: Rapid Urban Development and Social Economic Inequity Threaten Biodiversity Hotspots. En: T. Elmqvist et al. (eds.), Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities: A Global Assessment, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7088-1_28. (solicitar PDF)

Pauchard A, N Fuentes, A Jiménez, R Bustamante & A Marticorena in L.C. Foxcroft et al. (eds.), Plant Invasions in Protected Areas: Patterns, Problems and Challenges, Invading Nature. 2013. Alien Plants Homogenise Protected Areas: Evidence from the Landscape and Regional Scales in South Central Chile. Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 7,DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7750-7_10. (solicitar PDF)

Kueffer C, K McDougall, J Alexander, C Daehler, P Edwards, S Haider, A Milbau, C Parks, A Pauchard, ZA. Reshi, LJ. Rew, M Schroder & T Seipel. in L.C. Foxcroft et al. (eds.), Plant Invasions in Protected Areas: Patterns, Problems and Challenges, Invading Nature. 2013. Plant Invasions into Mountain Protected Areas: Assessment, Prevention and Control at Multiple Spatial Scales. Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 7, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7750-7_6. (solicitar PDF)

Urrutia JPauchard A & García R. 2013. Diferencias en la composición vegetal de un bosque de Araucaria araucana (Molina) K.Koch y Nothofagus antarctica (G. Forst.) Oerst. asociadas a un gradiente de invasión de Pinus contorta Douglas ex Loudon. Gayana Bot. 70(1): 92-100, 2013. PDF

Butterfield BJ, LA Cavieres, BJ Cook, CJ Lortie, FI Pugnaire, S Xiao, F Anthelme, RM Callaway, Z Kikvidze, R Michalet, C Schob, B Zaitchek, K Dickinson, R Kanka, J Noroozi, GK Phoenix, W Ridenour, S Wipf, RG Bjork, R Gavil JP Maalouf, R Parajuli, A Reid, C Rixen, L Zhao & RW Brooker. 2013. Alpine cushion plants inhibit the loss of phylogenetic diversity in severe environments. Ecology Letters 16: 478–486 PDF

Urrutia J, Y Soto, R García & A Pauchard. 2013. Cambios florísticos asociados a un gradiente de invasión de Pinus contorta Douglas & Loudon en un área silvestre protegida del sur de Chile. Boletín RLEPI 3: 41-48. PDF

Arianoutsou M, P Delipetrou, M Vilà, PG. Dimitrakopoulos, L Celesti-Grapow, G Wardell-Johnson, L Henderson, N Fuentes, E Ugarte-Mendes, PW. Rundel. 2013. Comparative Patterns of Plant Invasions in the Mediterranean Biome. PLoS ONE 8(11): e79174. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0079174. PDF

Jiménez A, Pauchard A, Marticorena A & Bustamante R. 2013. Patrones de distribución de plantas introducidas en áreas silvestres protegidas y sus áreas adyacentes del centro-sur de Chile. Gayana Bot. 70(1): 87-97, 2013. PDF

Fuentes N, Pauchard A, Sánchez P, Esquivel J & Marticorena A. 2013. A new comprehensive database of alien plant species in Chile based on herbarium records. Biological Invasions. Volume 15, Issue 4, pp 847-858. PDF

Villaseñor-Parada C, Macaya E, Jara-Rojas L & Neill P. Variación espacial y temporal en la producción de gametangios en la macroalga exótica Codium fragile subsp. tomentosoides (Chlorophyta: Bryopsidales) en el submareal de Caldera, Chile. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía Vol. 48, Nº1: 213-218. PDF

Dawson W, Keser L, Winter M, Pyšek P, Kartesz J, Nishino M, Fuentes N, ChytrýM, Celesti-Grapow L, van Kleunen M. 2013. Correlations between global and regional measures of invasiveness vary with region size. NeoBiota 16: 59–80. doi: 10.3897/neobiota.16.4351 PDF

Stohlgren T, Pyšek P, Kartesz J, Nishino M, Pauchard A, Winter M, Pino J, Richardson D, Wilson J, Murray B, Phillips M, Celesti-Grapow L, & Graham J. 2013. Globalization Effects on Common Plant Species. In: Levin S.A. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, second edition, Volume 3, pp. 700-706. Waltham, MA: Academic Press. PDF

Domínguez E & Pauchard A. 2012. Ten Years of Exclusion from Grazing Increase Native Plant Diversity in the Austral Patagonian Steppe. pages 59-81. En: Grazing Ecology: Vegetation and Soil Impact. Arévalo J. 2012. Nova Science Publishers Inc. (solicitar PDF)

Sagarin R & Pauchard A. 2012. Observation and Ecology, Broadening the Scope of Science to Understand a Complex World, Island Press, Washington DC. 232 páginas.

García RFuentes-Ramírez A Pauchard A. 2012. Efecto de dos especies de plantas invasoras fijadoras de nitrógeno sobre las propiedades químicas del suelo en el centro-sur de Chile, Gayana Bot. 69(1): 189-192. PDF

Seipel T, Kueffer C, Rew L.J, Daehler CC, Pauchard A, Naylor BJ, Alexander JM, Edwards PJ, Parks CG, Arevalo JR, Cavieres LA, Dietz H, Jakobs G, McDougall K, Otto R. & Walsh N. 2011. Processes at multiple scales affect richness and similarity of non-native plant species in mountains around the world. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21:236–246. PDF

Andonian K, Hierro J, Khetsuriani L, Becerra P, Janoyan G, Villareal D, Cavieres L, Fox L & Callaway R. 2012. Geographic mosaics of plant–soil microbe interactions in a global plant invasion. Journal of Biogeography 39:600-608 PDF

McDougall K, Khuroo A, Loope L, Parks C, Pauchard A, Reshi Z, Rushworth I & Kueffer Ch. 2011. Plant Invasions in Mountains: Global Lessons for Better Management. Mountain Research and Development, 31(4):380-387. PDF

Pauchard AGarcía RLangdon B & Fuentes N. 2011. The Invasion of Non-Native Plants in Chile and their Impacts on Biodiversity: History, Current Status, and Challenges for Management. En: Biodiversity Conservation in the Americas: Lessons and Policy Recommendations. Figueroa E. Editorial FEN-Universidad de Chile, Santiago Chile. pág 133-165 (solicitar PDF)

Pauchard A, Quiroz C, García R, Anderson CH, Kalin Arroyo M. 2011. Invasiones biológicas en América Latina y el Caribe: tendencias en investigación para la conservación, en Conservación Bilógica: Perspectivas desde América Latina. Simonetti J, Dirzo R. Editorial Universitaria, Santiago Chile. pag 79- 94. (solicitar PDF)

Andonian K, Hierro J, Khetsuriani L, Becerra P, Janoyan G, Villarreal D, Cavieres L, Fox L & Callaway R. 2011.Range-Expanding Populations of a Globally Introduced Weed Experience Negative Plant-Soil Feedbacks. PLoS ONE 6(5): e20117. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020117 PDF

Alexander J, Kueffer C, Daehler C, Edwards P, Pauchard A & Seipel T. and MIREN Consortium. 2011 “Assembly of nonnative floras along elevational gradients explained by directional ecological filtering and MIREN Consortium” PNAS online 67(2): 267 – 282 PDF

Kull C, Shackleton Ch, Cunningham P, Ducatillon C, Dufour-Dror JM, Esler K, Friday J, Gouveia A, Griffin A, Marchante E, Midgley S, Pauchard A, Rangan H, Richardson D, Rinaudo T, Tassin J, Urgenson L, von Maltitz G, Zenni R & Zylstra M. 2011. Adoption, use and perception of Australian acacias around the world. Diversity and Distribution 17(5): 822–836 PDF

Le Maitre D, Gaertner M, Marchante E, Ens EJ, Holmes P, Pauchard A, O’Farrell P, Rogers A, Blanchard R, Blignaut J & Richardson D. 2011. Impacts of invasive Australian acacias: implications for management and restoration. Diversity and Distribution 17(5): 1015–1029 PDF

Fuentes-Ramírez APauchard A & E Hauenstein (2011) Composición de la flora de praderas andinas en la Reserva Nacional Alto Bío-Bío (Lonquimay-Chile) y su relación con el régimen de pastoreo. Gayana Botánica 68(1): 28-39 PDF

Stohlgren TJ, Pysek P, Kartesz J, Nishino M, Pauchard A, Winter M, Pino J, Richardson DM, Wilson JRU, Murray BR, Phillips ML, Ming-yang L, Celesti-Grapow L. & Font X. 2011. Widespread plant species: natives versus aliens in our changing world. Biological invasions 13:1931–1944 PDF

Fuentes N & Pauchard A. 2011. Documento Técnico sobre el Taller: Evaluación de Riesgo de especies de Plantas Introducidas (ERPI) en Chile: estableciendo prioridades para su manejo o control PDF

Godoy O, Saldaña A, Fuentes N, Valladares F & Gianoli E. 2011 “Forests are not immune to plant invasions: phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation allow Prunella vulgaris to colonize a temperate evergreen rainforest” Biological Invasions 13(7): 1615-1625 PDF

Fuentes, N. Marticorena, A. & Saldaña, A. Fallopia sachalinensis (F. Schmidt) Ronse Decr. (Polygonaceae): A new record for the alien flora of Chile Gayana Botánica 68(2) 338-340. PDF

Fuentes-Ramírez APauchard ACavieres L & García R. 2011. Survival and growth of Acacia dealbata vs. native trees across an invasion front in south-central Chile. Forest Ecology and Management 261:1003-1009 PDF

Gómez-González, S., C. Torres-Díaz, G. Valencia, P. Torres-Morales, L.A. Cavieres & G. Pausas (2011) Anthropogenic fires increase alien and native annual species in the Chilean coastal matorral. Diversity and Distribution 17: 58-67. PDF

Quiroz, C., L.A. Cavieres & A. Pauchard (2011). Assessing the importance of disturbance, site conditions and the biotic barrier for dandelion invasion in an Alpine habitat. Biological Invasions13(12): 2889–2899 PDF

Fuentes-Ramírez APauchard AMarticorena A y Sánchez P. 2010. Relación entre la invasión de Acacia dealbata Link (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) y la riqueza de especies vegetales en el centro-sur de Chile. Gayana Botánica 67: 188-197. PDF

McDougall K, Alexander J, Haider S, Pauchard A, Walsh N, & Kueffer C. 2010 “Alien flora of mountains: global comparisons for the development of local preventive measures against plant invasions” Diversity and Distributions, 17: 103–111 PDF

Richardson D, Daehler C, Leishman M, Pauchard A & Pysek P. 2010 “Plant invasions: theoretical and practical challenges” Biological Invasions (2010) 12:3907–3911. PDF

Pauchard, A. y A. Jiménez (2010) Invasiones de plantas exóticas en áreas protegidas: entendiendo un proceso. Revista Parques PDF

Pauchard A, Nuñez M, Raffaele E, Bustamante R, Legard N, Relva M & Simberloff D. 2010 “Introduced conifer invasions in South America: an update” One-day symposium at 6th Southern Connection Congress – Bariloche, Argentina, 16th February 2010. Frontiers of Biogeography 2.2. PDF

Garcia RPauchard A, Cavieres L, Peña E & Rodriguez MF. 2010 “El fuego favorece la invasión de Teline monspessulana (Fabaceae) al aumentar su germinación” Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83: 443-452, 2010 PDF

Langdon B, Pauchard A & M Aguayo. 2010. Pinus contorta invasion in the Chilean Patagonia: local patterns in a global context. Biological Invasions 12:3961-3971 PDF

Pauchard A. 2010 “Urbanización, una amenaza “estéticamente amigable” para el bosque nativo”. Bosque Nativo Nº 45 – Articulos tecnicos, página 28. PDF

Badano EI, PA Marquet, LA Cavieres. 2010 “Predicting effects of ecosystem engineering on species richness along primary productivity gradients”. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology ;36: 46-54. PDF

Nuñez, M. & Pauchard, A. 2010. Biological invasions in developing and developed countries: does one model fit all?. Biological Invasions 12: 707-714. PDF

Castro, S., E. Badano, D. Guzman & Cavieres, L. 2010. Biological invasion of a refuge habitat: Anthriscus caucalis (Apiaceae) decreases diversity, evenness, and survival of native herbs in the Chilean matorral. Biological Invasions. 12:1295–1303. PDF

Simberloff, D., Nuñez, M. A. Ledgard, N. J., Pauchard, A. Richardson, D. M., Sarasola, M., van Wilgen, B. W., Zalba, S. M.,  Zenni R. D., Bustamante, R. Peña, E., & Ziller, S.R.. 2010. Spread and impact of introduced conifers in South America: Lessons from other southern hemisphere regions. Austral Ecology 35 (5): 489–504. PDF

Sagarin, R. & Pauchard, A. 2010. Observational approaches in ecology open new ground in a changing world. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8: 379-386.PDF

Aguayo, M., Pauchard, A., G. Azocar & Parra, O. 2009. Cambio del uso del suelo en el centro sur de Chile a fines del siglo XX. Entendiendo la dinámica espacial y temporal del paisaje. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 82: 361- 374. PDF

Pauchard, A., C. Kueffer, K. McDougall & Alexander, J.. 2009. Global networks: a reply to Khuroo et al.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment  7: 518- 518. PDF

Quiroz C, A. PauchardL.A. Cavieres & C.B. Anderson. Análisis cuantitativo de la investigación en invasiones biológicas en Chile: tendencias y desafíos. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. 82: 497-505. PDF

Quiroz C, Choler P, Baptist F, González-Teuber M, Molina-Montenegro MA & Cavieres L. (2009) Alpine dandelions originated in the native and introduced range differ in their responses to environmental constraints. Ecological Research 24: 175-183. PDF

Figueroa J, Cavieres L, Gómez-González S, Molina-Montenegro M & Jaksic F (2009) Do heat and smoke increase emergence of exotic plant species in the Mediterranean matorral of central Chile? Acta Oecologica 35: 330-340. PDF

Gómez-González S. & Cavieres L. (2009) Litter burning does not equally affect seedling emergence of native and alien species of the Mediterranean-type Chilean matorral. International Journal of Wildland Fire 18: 213-221. PDF

Gómez-González S, Cavieres L, Torres P & Torres-Díaz C. (2009) Competitive effects of the alien invasive Centaurea solstitialis L. (Asteraceae) on two Chilean Baccharis species at different life-cycle stages. Gayana Botanica 66: 71-83. PDF

Pauchard, A., Kueffer, C., Dietz, H., Daehler, C.C., Alexander, J., Edwards, P.J., Arévalo, J.R., Cavieres, L., Guisan, A., Haider, S., Jakobs, G., McDougall, K., Millar, C.I., Naylor, B.J., Parks, C.G., Rew, L.J., &  Seipel, T. 2009. Ain’t no mountain high enough: Plant invasions reaching high elevations. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7: 479-486. PDF

Muñoz A.A. & L.A. Cavieres (2008) The presence of a showy invasive plant disrupts pollinator service and reproductive output in native alpine species only at high densities. Journal of Ecology 96: 459-467. PDF

Cavieres, L.A., C.L. Quiroz & M.A. Molina-Montenegro. Facilitation of the non-native Taraxacum officinale by native nurse cushion species in the high-Andes of central Chile: are there differences between nurses? Functional Ecology 22: 148-156. PDF

Pauchard, A., R. García, E. Peña, C. González, L. Cavieres & R. Bustamante. Positive feedbacks between plant invasions and fire regimes: Teline monspesulana (L) K.Kock (Fabaceae) in central Chile. Biological Invasions 10: 547-553. PDF

Jiménez, A., A. Pauchard, L.A. Cavieres, A.E. Marticorena & R.O. Bustamante. Do climatically similar regions contain similar alien floras? A test from the mediterranean areas of Chile and California. Journal of Biogeography 35: 614-624. PDF

Kueffer, C., J. Alexander, C. Daehler, K. McDougall, A. Pauchard, & Miren Consortium 2008. The Mountain Invasion Research Network (MIREN). Mountain Research Initiative Newsletter 1: 12-14. PDF

Pauchard, A.,  B. Langdon & E. Peña. 2008. Potencial invasivo de Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco en Bosques Nativos del Centro-Sur de Chile: patrones y recomendaciones. En: Mujica, R., Grosse, H. y B. Muller-Using (eds.) Bosques Seminaturales: una opción para la rehabilitación de bosques nativos degradados. Instituto Forestal. Pp 89-114.  PDF

Peña E, Hidalgo M, Langdon, B & Pauchard A. 2008. Patterns of spread of Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. invasion in a Natural Reserve in southern South America. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 1049-1054. PDF

Pauchard, A. & Maheu-Giroux, M. (2007) Case study 11.1: Acacia dealbata invasion across multiple scales: Conspicuous flowering species can help us study invasion pattern and processes (pages 166-167) in Underwood, E. and S. Ustin. Trends in Invasive Alien Species. Pages 161-177 in Strand, H., Höft, R., Strittholt, J., Miles, L., Horning, N., Fosnight, E., editors. Sourcebook on Remote Sensing and Biodiversity Indicators. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, Technical Series no. 32, 201 pages. PDF

Cavieres, L.A., E.I. Badano, A. Sierra-Almeida & M. Molina-Montenegro (2007). Microclimatic modifications of cushion plants and their consequences for seedlings survival of native and non-native plants in the high-Andes of central Chile. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 39: 229-236. PDF

Badano, E.I., E. Villarroel, R.O. Bustamante, P.A. Marquet & L.A. Cavieres (2007). Ecosystem engineering facilitates invasions by exotic plants in high-Andean ecosystems. Journal of Ecology 95: 682-688. PDF

García, R.A., A. Pauchard, & E. Peña (2007). Banco de semillas, regeneración y crecimiento de Teline monspessulana (L.) K.Koch después de un incendio forestal. Gayana Botanica 64 (2): 201-210. PDF

Peña, E, B. Langdon, & A. Pauchard. 2007. Árboles exóticos naturalizados en el bosque nativo chileno. Bosque Nativo 40: 3-7. PDF

Pauchard, A. 2007. Invasions as spatially explicit processes: contributions to ecology (Letter to the editor). Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5(3):123-124. PDF

Pauchard, A., & M. McKinney. 2006. Introduction (Special Issue “Biological Invasions across Scales: New Insights”). Biological Invasions 8: 397-398. PDF

Pauchard, A., & K. Shea. 2006. Integrating the study of non-native plant invasions across spatial scales. Biological Invasions 8: 399-413. PDF

Pauchard, A. and Alaback, P. 2006. Edge types defines alien plant species invasions along Pinus contorta burned, highway and clearcut forest edges. Forest Ecology and Management 223: 327-335.  PDF

Pauchard, A., Aguayo, M. , Peña, E. & Urrutia, R. 2006. Multiple effects of urbanization on the biodiversity of developing countries: The case of a fast-growing metropolitan area (Concepción, Chile). Biological Conservation  127: 272-281. PDF

Cavieres, L.A., C.L. Quiroz, M.A. Molina-Montenegro, A.A. Muñoz, A. Pauchard. 2005. Nurse effect of the native cushion plant Azorella monantha on the invasive non-native Taraxacum officinale in the high-Andes of central Chile. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 7: 217-226. PDF

Cuevas, J., A. Marticorena & L.A. Cavieres. 2004. New additions to the introduced flora of the Juan Fernández Islands: origin, distribution, life history traits, and potential of invasion. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 77: 523-538. PDF

Pauchard, A, L.A. Cavieres, R. Bustamante, E. Rapoport & P. Becerra. 2004. Increasing the understanding of plant invasions in southern South America: first symposium on Alien Plant Invasions in Chile. Biological Invasions 6: 255-257. PDF

Pauchard, A. and Alaback, P. 2004. Influence of elevation, land use, and landscape context on patterns of alien plant invasions along roadsides in protected areas of south-central Chile. Conservation Biology 18(1):238-248. PDF

Pauchard, A., L.A. Cavieres & R.O. Bustamante. 2004. Comparing alien plant invasions among regions with similar climates: where to from here? Diversity and Distribution 10: 371-375. PDF

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